Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diane Arbus - Boy With a . . . . .

I hope you see me in the picture right up there. Although I am too small to be noticed. But I can do bigger things then any other person in this world can. I am very short tempered and if someone messes around with me, thats it ! He goes into ashes. I think you know who I am. . . . No ... Not the boy. You unfriendly neighbourhood ...... The Grenade.

Yes yes ...... that's me. and frankly speaking, I hate the boy holding me. Look at his face !!! He looks like a shrimp. I hope he does'nt piss me off. If he does that, then I am gonna blow him off. Oh yes! It's a great feeling. I can do so many things. I can win wars for people, turn people into ashes. But i am not as greedy and strict as you think. I am very soft-centered. Its as soft as a POWDER. Sometimes I think " Why do wars take place? Why do we kill people? I don't like to blow people up. But I can't help it, and honestly, the boy is a nice good kid. he is innocent.

Now a days, It looks like i have lost respect.

Look at the boy's hand. You think he is holding me, but the truth is he is holding my clone. Yes, they have started to send me out as a toy. So, whenever kids play wars, I am there to blow them up virtually. But the original me is what I am. This is who I am, this is what I do. And as they say.... A bomb's gotta do what a bomb's gotta do . . So I just do my job. No offense please. and i will create a path of destruction whenever someone will use me. So guys out there, be careful. you never know, you might get one of ME !!! And special notice to manufacturers who make me in plastic ..... " I gonna Get back to you guys very soon. "

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wildlife & National Parks in Tanzania.

Issues I am Concerned

I have 3 main issues which needs serious attention. The 3 issues I will discuss in this post are:

1) Conservation of Wildlife
2) Environmental Conservation
3) Education & Awarness.

Conservation of Wildlife. . . .

Tanzania, a land that has a god gifted nature. Wildlife conservation through different national parks around East Africa are so impressive and eye-catching that a person must praise god for his creation. Such creations shall not be endangered, they must be preserved. I care about the wildlife because I love the wildlife scenery and to see the animals as free, to do anything they want rather than keeping them in a cage and pretending to keep a good care of them.

Wildlife Viewing (Safari) and sight-seeing is a unique experince of Africa where people from all over the world come to see and visit these national parks. It is one of the activities that people choose for their vacations and as a means of 'change' from regular routine. It is also very helpful for children and young ones in their education process. There are not one or two but many advantages of such an activity.

Discussion at this topic is important because taday, the wildlife is taken merely as means of earning and it is being abused and mis-used by man to fulfill his own needs & luxuries. We always forget that these wildlife conservations also make up a significant part of revenue to many economies especially a third world country like Tanzania, where the main source of revenue for the economy comes from the Tourism industry. Also keeping in mind that animals also have some rights and we should help protect them.

" If you save the living environment, you will automatically save the physical environment.
If you only try to save the physical environment, you will loose them both."
- E. O. Wilson, Research Professor, Harvard University.

"Killings of Wolves and Dolphins."
- By Ecorazzi, ( http://www.worldpress.com/)

"Is African Wildlife Headed for Extinction"

All these people above also agree with what I say and I also strongly agree with what they say.

Environmental Conservation. . . .

The first question that comes in my mind is ' What is Environment?'

A simple answer to it " Everything surrounding us and the place where we live." So I can say that it is very obvious that our surroundings affects the way we live. If it is good and healthy, life goes well, good & Cool ! But if it is the opposite, we should not expect the same result as above. So, I can say that it is not only me who cares about the environment but every person who wants to have a healthy, happy and perfect life will care and I personally want to have such a life. So..... I do care.

There are always some people who will ask ' Why should it matter to us? '

Well, I dont know why but after watching the picture on the right of the text, I think they will not ask the same question again. Infact, I will ask them a question. ' If your house was of similar situation would you llive in it? ' A certain answer from them ' NO ! ' If you can keep your house clean then why not other things around us? It is our responsibility to keep our environment neat and clean, like our house. Such issues cannot be solved by one man. It is not a ONE MAN SHOW in this case. All of us have to come together and help each other out.

This topic needs attention because now a days, such things are taken for granted. The above picture of a football ground in Singapore. As can be seen that the young ones don't even care. The question is, if they dont care then who does? Being a responsible citizens of our respective countries, it is our reponsibility to have one motto...

" Keep your country clean, Keep your country Green."

And I think all responsible citizens would agree to that motto. We, as being the next generation and being the future of the country, must come up with some ideas and discuss it and create awareness among the people, telling them how important our environment is to us.

" Others such as Treehugger, Eco geek, World changing and others agree with my opinions"

- Top 10 Environmental Blogs.


- Ecofriend: Green Living.

Pictures from " Google Images. "

Education & Awareness. . . .

Education - - - - - One of the most important things in today's world.

Awareness - - - - Something which is a real must to know. It is having knowledge about certain things and all.

My grand father was really poor. This is when I was not even born. My father got sick, Very sick and suddenly a doctor came in and treated him for a very minimal amount, so well that my dad started walking in 3 days. Since that day, My grand father decided to educate my father and wanted him to become a doctor. Today, My father is a Neuro-Pshychiatrist & Consultant Physician in Tanzania and when ever he has any patient who cannot afford to pay the fees, He does it for Free!

Why would somebody be interested in my father's past? ? ? ?

The idea is, at that time, my grand parents were so poor that they could'nt afford to pay for his studies. My father is a self made man and he worked very hard, did part time jobs and did'nt sleep for nights to get this far. But I am very lucky that today, my father can afford to pay for my studies and all I I have to do is STUDY ....... Just Study ........ Study hard. And many of us are really lucky that our parents can afford to pay for our studies & believe me . . . you should avail it. This is the reason why I care about it.

Education is the Key to success and every one of us knows that. I personally to make people realise how important education is in our lives and I can say that today, education is everyone's concern. It matters to every one of us and thats why I have decided to become a really good and hard working student and I will make my parents feel proud and I know every student who is capable of studying and can afford to study must be willing and able to do the same.

This matter should be discussed because the way I have seen it in Africa ( specifically Tanzania ), children there really want to study but they can't. Many reasons. In 3rd world countries, there is normally a high birth rate and the mentality behind such action is because parents want to increase their income by making the children work as soon as they are able to walk. How Pathetic ! ! ! Education really opens up our minds, broaden our thinking and many other things.

"Education has an immense impact on the human society. One can safely assume that a person is not in the proper sense till he is educated. It trains the human mind to think and take the right decision. In other words, man becomes a rational animal when he is educated."

If I decide to do it alone, I won't be able to make such a big difference. But if all of us do it as a team and group, then, TOGETHER, WE CAN.

Education always pays off. Either in form of a very good and comfortable life or inform of respect and a good job. No matter what, studies must be completed and I am a very big supporter of that.

" Importance of Education to youths."
- Manali Oak

" The Importance of Education."
- Manu Goel

" Importance of Education."
- Naraginti Reddy

Pictures from " Google Images."

I believe that all of he above people believe me and do agree in full support toward my third issue.


By the way, Don't forget to chek my next post. It has all the Pictures of Tanzania National Parks and the pictures of Mount Kilimanjaro, The Highest Mountain in Africa. I climbed it and thought that it would be good to share it with all of you.

Take Care . . . . Adios . . . . Bye Bye . . . .