Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Skills Reflection
The truth is, when I wrote my 1st class assignment and got it evaluated, I judged myself and realised i was not that good at the beginning. There were alot of errors. My professor told me about the type of problems I had and I realized that I can do it. Firsy set of problems was word count, summarize, paraphrase and quotes. I was not good at all in all these things. The first thing was to corrst minor problems like using commas, avoiding fragments and comma splices.
Sounds so simple. Using commas and words to write 3 pages worth of 'chit-chat'. But, its more than some chatting stuff. Its about being more professional and more formal. Using everything correctly. Then I was worng about the formatting and writing the 'Thesis Sentences and Topic sentences'.
There was alot of repair needed for my english to be 'better than good'. Well. . . With the help of my professor and the exercises she gave me, I practiced and made a few repairs to my english. and I could see my grades going up, little by little.
I never knew what is 'a blog'. But my professor taught the class the concept of a blog, and now, I love blogging because i can write anything i want. I can keep all my feelings open, not woorying about the grammer and other stuff. It's pretty cool.
I don't know about others, but I am satisfied and happy that I took this class and progressed in it. Atleast now I will not have to think twice before writing a letter and it won't take me 4 hours to write an essay. I still need some practice in one of the more parts and as they say "Practice makes a man PERFECT". But I am sure, with the exercises and a person like my Professor around, I will definitely do very good some day. It's all a matter of time!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2) SAW (Parts 1-6)
Wrong Turn (Part 1-3)
Child's Play (Part 1-4)
Final Destination (Part 1-3)
These are some movies which, according to me, were very well directed and made. Ofcourse, they are not for every one but for those who like watching horror movies. These movies did the most business and were watched by many people. The sequels of these movies wouldn't have been produced if they were not demanded by people. It is very obvious that sequels are made when public likes the first part and wants to see more of such things. It's all about the demand and the supply. And ofcourse, as everyone knows that these horror movies are just a work of fiction. There is nothing real in such movies and that makes it something which people are totally aware of.
3) When Steven King says, "As long as you keep the gators fed", He means that as long as you keep the general public happy by giving them what they want. Be it emotional and romantic movies or horror movies. His arguments are credible to some extent but it doesn't change anything. People will see what they want and they will watch it and no one can stop them. Once again, its all about Money.
100 people, 100 different perspective. Some will say horror movies are good, some will say its bad. It all depends from person to person. I Love to watch horror movies and I also agree with stephen King and I believe that his arguments are credible to some extent.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What Would you do?! When would you do it ! Where would you do it ?! & Why ?!?!
Life is too short. But not as short as we think. We got enough time to do what ever we want.
For my case, I really really want to Save a Day!!! I hope you get me . . . you know all those super hero stuff. . . Yap. It feels great. Feels like i have done something good . . . No not good but great for someone !!! I really want to be a SUPER-HERO. I know it sounds crazy and how can some one have super powers and blah blah blah . . .
But hey,.,., Its just a wish. I want to be known for my bravery and kindness. Although I am brave and kind but i want it to go to the next level. Ofcourse, I would do it when there is a really big problem or some one really needs to be there for the people. . . i want to be that one!
Be it anywhere . . (Remember, I have super powers... I can fly and do all the crazy stuf in the world). I will fly and save people, halp them out and ofcourse the best part for the audience and the worst part for me . . . FIGHT THE EVIL or the BAD GUYS... And then it will be a headline in the news . . . SOME GOOD GUY SAVES THE DAY !!!
There is no reason for all this. I just know onething. . . I have some powers and i want to use them for the betterment of the mankind. its all for the purpose of well being and good. I love to help people and as i have always been helpful and kind.
I pray that my this wish also comes true and someday. . even without any powers, i can help someone out of their trouble. . .
God Bless all of you and may you all have a good, healthy and tension free life.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I hope you see me in the picture right up there. Although I am too small to be noticed. But I can do bigger things then any other person in this world can. I am very short tempered and if someone messes around with me, thats it ! He goes into ashes. I think you know who I am. . . . No ... Not the boy. You unfriendly neighbourhood ...... The Grenade.
Yes yes ...... that's me. and frankly speaking, I hate the boy holding me. Look at his face !!! He looks like a shrimp. I hope he does'nt piss me off. If he does that, then I am gonna blow him off. Oh yes! It's a great feeling. I can do so many things. I can win wars for people, turn people into ashes. But i am not as greedy and strict as you think. I am very soft-centered. Its as soft as a POWDER. Sometimes I think " Why do wars take place? Why do we kill people? I don't like to blow people up. But I can't help it, and honestly, the boy is a nice good kid. he is innocent.
Now a days, It looks like i have lost respect.
Look at the boy's hand. You think he is holding me, but the truth is he is holding my clone. Yes, they have started to send me out as a toy. So, whenever kids play wars, I am there to blow them up virtually. But the original me is what I am. This is who I am, this is what I do. And as they say.... A bomb's gotta do what a bomb's gotta do . . So I just do my job. No offense please. and i will create a path of destruction whenever someone will use me. So guys out there, be careful. you never know, you might get one of ME !!! And special notice to manufacturers who make me in plastic ..... " I gonna Get back to you guys very soon. "
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Issues I am Concerned
1) Conservation of Wildlife
2) Environmental Conservation

Wildlife Viewing (Safari) and sight-seeing is a unique experince of Africa where people from all over the world come to see and visit these national parks. It is one of the activities that people choose for their vacations and as a means of 'change' from regular routine. It is also very helpful for children and young ones in their education process. There are not one or two but many advantages of such an activity.
Discussion at this topic is important because taday, the wildlife is taken merely as means of earning and it is being abused and mis-used by man to fulfill his own needs & luxuries. We always forget that these wildlife conservations also make up a significant part of revenue to many economies especially a third world country like Tanzania, where the main source of revenue for the economy comes from the Tourism industry. Also keeping in mind that animals also have some rights and we should help protect them.
"Killings of Wolves and Dolphins."
All these people above also agree with what I say and I also strongly agree with what they say.

Well, I dont know why but after watching the picture on the right of the text, I think they will not ask the same question again. Infact, I will ask them a question. ' If your house was of similar situation would you llive in it? ' A certain answer from them ' NO ! ' If you can keep your house clean then why not other things around us? It is our responsibility to keep our environment neat and clean, like our house. Such issues cannot be solved by one man. It is not a ONE MAN SHOW in this case. All of us have to come together and help each other out.
- Top 10 Environmental Blogs.

"Education has an immense impact on the human society. One can safely assume that a person is not in the proper sense till he is educated. It trains the human mind to think and take the right decision. In other words, man becomes a rational animal when he is educated."
Education always pays off. Either in form of a very good and comfortable life or inform of respect and a good job. No matter what, studies must be completed and I am a very big supporter of that.